I am so glad I discovered this Substack! Keep up the good work here. I'm with you. This native Texan remembers the days before MAGA R's turned my beloved state into a mere stepping stone for national figures like Cruz, Paxton and Patrick. And, those guys are NOT FROM TEXAS.

I agree with the analysis of the political landscape here in Texas. It is an example of how national political strategies tend to buy into the superficial narratives without examining the real details that can make a difference with the thoughtful practicing of old-fashioned politics. The fundamentals do not change.

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It wasn't that hard for the Republican slime machine to do it since the Democrats spent most of their efforts trying to be Republican lite and with the rest of their energy preventing actual progressives from holding office.

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"Limit money in politics." We can do this quite effectively! Do an end run around Citizens United, end the "one dollar, one vote" system and free legislators from the impossible task of writing laws they would have to conform to.

I have developed a game about campaign finance regulation that will do all that and more. Right now it is the homemade stage, with hand-crafted game boxes and pasted-on graphics. If you would like a free copy to test, send me a postcard with a real-mail address, and I'll mail you one: C. Gregory, po box 665, Springfield, Vermont 05156. I will greatly appreciate any suggestions you might have about it.

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